
Top 5 Ocupaciones Ocupaciones más demandadas

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Top 5 Categorías Agrupación reducida puestos

ofertas $560,000 Paid Laravel, Metronic Success
HR Management System
Email: hr@demo.com
$57,000 Paid AngularJS, C# Rejected
KTR Mobile Application
Email: ktr@demo.com
$45,200,000 Paid ReactJS, Ruby In Progress
Sant Outstanding
Email: bprow@bnc.cc
$2,000,000 Paid ReactJs, HTML Approved
Application Development
Email: app@dev.com
$4,600,000 Paid Python, MySQL In Progress
Application Development
Email: app@dev.com
$4,600,000 Paid Python, MySQL In Progress
Payrol Application $560,000 Paid Laravel, Metronic Success
HR Management System
Email: hr@demo.com
$57,000 Paid AngularJS, C# Rejected
Sant Outstanding
Email: bprow@bnc.cc
$2,000,000 Paid ReactJs, HTML Approved
KTR Mobile Application
Email: ktr@demo.com
$45,200,000 Paid ReactJS, Ruby In Progress
ofertas ReactJs, HTML Approved
ofertas Python, MySQL In Progress
ofertas Laravel, Metronic Success
ofertas AngularJS, C# Rejected
ofertas ReactJS, Ruby In Progress

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James Jones
Application Developer
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iBlender The best kitchen gadget in 2020
$ 350 for 5
SmartCleaner Smart tool for cooking
$ 650 for 4
CameraMax Professional camera for edge cutting shots
$ 150 for 3
4D Printer Manufactoring unique objects
$ 1450 for 7
MotionWire Perfect animation tool
$ 650 for 7